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Mission Statement

'A better start for a finer finish'

St Stephen’s will provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets statutory requirements, upholds equality of opportunity, develops spiritual and moral values, and meets the needs of individual pupils.

Aims of the School

At St Stephen’s we aim:


1) To create an effective and stimulating learning environment, where everyone’s contribution is valued regardless of gender, race or ability and pupils can develop a sense of pride in both themselves and the school


2) To encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own actions by promoting self-discipline which enables them to recognise the importance of their role in school life and society


3) To enable each child to achieve their full potential through a broad and balanced curriculum, which motivates and stimulates them and allows pupils to become effective and independent learners


4) To foster links with the community by welcoming parents and other agencies to take an active part in school life and by the school contributing positively to the life of the community


5) To manage the school in a manner which maximises the children’s opportunities for learning


6) To enable all staff to maintain and develop their professional expertise.

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